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square up walks  videos

second year of this
national movement

("SQUARE UP WALKS" finished in the end of March 2023.)

No.9   Feb.12th 2023

70. The USA has come into Japan with the intention not to let anything genuinely Japanese remain. 

71. When it comes to light, Joe Biden will not be able to stand any longer.

72. A secretive plan is being implemented to wipe out the nation of Japan.

73. We went to all offices there are, but no reactions, absolute silence.

74. This nation, especially the upper class,  they have trashed righteousness, justice and truth.

75. The Japanese public has to wake up!

76. It means, that Vladimir Putin is arranged, too. The Ukraine is a fixed deal.

77. The Ukraine is presently 90% closed to the outside world.

78. That gaydom has no right to exist, because it is against all four monotheistic creeds (Shinto, Jewish, Islam, Christian).

79. If you think you can continue to oppress the Japanese people, I say NO!

No.8   Feb. 8th 2023

62. The Imperial family stems from Korea and holds fast to the traditions of the Kudara.

63. Movies are an excellent tool to brainwash a nation.

64. Who is pushing Nazism? The United States of America.

65. And now, our nation of Japan is in shambles because of your (USA) behavior.

66. LGBT is yet another scheme of oppression against the nation of Japan.

67. The military conscription of the general public!! It's concealed to this very day!日本で徴兵制は既に成立し、今日まで隠されている.週刊紙ばとん号外第6号に詳述。)

68. The homosexual way destroys the life of the person, it destroys relationships and it destroys a nation.

69. Invitation to Mr. Arai to join us and become part of us.

No.7   Feb. 5th 2023

53. Wherever you find religious hierarchies, you will not find peace.

54. Mr. Blinken, I am praying for you.

55. The war in the Ukraine is a war to reinstate Nazism. 

56. Violence and destruction never bring about good.

57. There is a very strong current of destruction coming out of Hinduism.

58. The atomic bomb has a lot to do with Hinduism.

59. Friedrich Nietzsche was a completely changed man from that moment.

60. The power of compassion is greater than the power of destruction.

61.  The first singing on the 1st anniversary :

We shall overcome !

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