An early start and …unnamed misery

There he stood,, in front of his speechless military superiors listening to his findings, as he pointed his nervous fingers in blatant self-conceit into the monstrous clouds of destruction he had become so fond of since immersing himself into Vedaic literature. What could have stayed but a short lived intellectual off the track experience of his immature mind turned into a parapsychic obsession, destroying the very roots of his Jewish upbringing. Dazzled by his own one-sided ingenuity in the realm of Natural Science, permanently flattered by scientists all around, Hindu notions of a weird and confusing spirituality amalgamated into a state of infantile heroism ready to let go all previous norms and boundaries, thus paving the way for all participants of the Manhattan Project to plunge into the vilest of experiments in the entire history of mankind. In stark contrast to Albert Einstein, also ofJewish descent and his former teacher in the field of nuclear bombs, Robert Oppenheimer, the grinning destroyer of cities, towns and peaceful villages, later never regretted the wicked use of those two bombs: in times to come, he ought to be remembered as the cultish teenage scientist, who, in the whole process, also let go of his own life amidst the murderous waves of the politics of human sacrifice.
Dear reader,
you have reached the Central Quarters of the first independence movement in the long, unique history of the so called ‘Golden Island’ of ‘Jipangu’ (Japan), as Marco Polo had engraved it in the latter half of the 13th century.
As if the entire staff of that old GHQ of the 1940ties in central Tokyo were present, this author will be calling those old ‘Japan Hands’ to account for all the evil brought upon this nation throughout the many decades ever since the end of WWII, beginning with the bestiality of those nuclear bombs the outspoken and courageous American news prototype, David Lawrence, openly lamented about with the words…‘The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us.’
As a stubborn and rude president, Joe Biden, is watching closely and in the sight of all nations, a new beginning is being declared to this heavily abused people, which has its roots in the creeds of the descendants of Jacob.
Dear reader, you are called upon to click, listen and watch closely as for the very first time the myriad truths about postwar Japan unravel in open daylight; their background has been suppressed over more than seven decades by an arrogant crowd of Westerners fumbling around with lies and deception, only to cover up the disgusting trail of wickedness left behind by a nation gone astray. These ‘SQUARE UP WALKS’ around the former GHQ building in the Yurakucho district of Tokyo bring to light the stream of magma still flowing in the depth of the hearts of millions of Japanese.

June 2014, Iwao Kumana, descendant of Jacob, inside the former GHQ,

‘Restauration and Progress’ smeared onto a board adorning the former US military GHQ building, which was never officially dissolved.
In the year 2015, the then Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden, congratulated the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, on the forceful passing of the ‘war law’.
In January 2014, during Abe’s second cabinet and under US directives, this author, Iwao Kumana, was imprisoned against the laws of Japan and without legal procedures or a court decision because of his stand against the Korean ‘Unification’ cult of S.M. Mun, wherein Abe had a leading position for Japan. During his stay in the prison for serious cases in Chiba city, he was exposed to freezing temperatures, but denied any means of keeping warm, in order to induce pneumonia, finally leading to his death.
In January 2021, Joseph Biden was inaugurated as President of the United States, as his left hand was placed on the Holy Scriptures. The fact, that the US was over decades directly and deeply involved in establishing said cult in Japan, as well as the fact, that this author had survived the incarceration unharmed, led Joseph Biden to yet another detestable action: during the weeks in January 2021 and under the camouflage of unrest and confrontations with supporters of former President, Donald Trump, Joseph Biden gave orders, that the ultra modern electronic warfare aircraft, EA-18G ‘Growler’, exclusively manufactured by the USA, be employed on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, over the town of Oguni, directly over the dwelling place of Iwao Kumana. This happened on February 5th 2021.The victim only survived due to outstanding Devine mercy.

The one and sovereign GOD of Noah, ‘ALLAH’ in Arabic, in whose presence this author is writing and speaking, is and will be the Supreme Judge concerning all sorts of injustice.
This assassination attempt will bring Joe Biden down! Not in his wildest dreams did he expect, that these facts in the Far East would ever be brought to light. What was he demonstrating to the world, when his hand was on that ancient book for some seconds?
It was all about creating a certain, artificial image — as if his life was based on the contents of that book. It certainly wasn’t — and it isn’t!
Biden then appeared in Japan on a state visit on May, 23rd and 24th 2022. Near the US embassy, this author asked for an unofficial meeting with the President. Asked about the reason for his request by the chief US security officer, he was given an answer, that should have been forwarded to the presidential entourage, that ‘the man he (the President) had tried to kill, has a very personal word for him’. That officer had no further questions, but promised, he would convey the request and its background to the ‘inner circle’…. No direct encounter was granted.
The next day, Biden left Japan. The last impressions were of a man, who knew for himself, that he had no solid stand: his forlorn looks and half shut mouth were signals of deeper things happening in his soul. — the blood of Abel was permanently crying out from the ground: Joseph, Joseph, will you ever ignore the sound of approaching footsteps of the Great Judge?

As hypocritical, Western Christianity is falling apart, the Far East will rediscover the great value of truth - also in the realm of politics: truths will easily cut through the fat layers of human arrogance. Not ‘fake news’ is the main problem in this region of the world, but ‘fake interpretations’ of historic facts, that have left this nation of Japan seriously bewildered, for the same crowd, that created the nuclear abyss, still smiles and tries hard to justify their own, hellish behavior - even killing those, who call them to account. All this will be part of upcoming ‘SQUARE UP’ WALKS, beginning in January 2023 around that shameful building, even the sheer memory of which should be wiped out forever, just as all the wicked doings in the name of Hindu idolatry by the members of that wretched Manhattan Project.



starting in January 2023
to join upcoming ‘SQUARE UP’ WALKS around the former military headquarters of the US occupation forces (GHQ) at the end of WWII still to be found in the Chiyoda district of the Metropolis, Tokyo (Yurakucho 1-13-1), and which, despite the San FranciscoPeace Treaty, has, to this day, never been dissolved officially. This represents a grave and ongoing violation of international law since seven long decades.
One of the most vociferous critics of the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News and World Report. He signed a number of stinging editorials, the first on August 17, 1945. On November 23, Lawrence wrote, ‘The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100 000 men, women and children (numbers gravely underestimated - the editor) in a sort of super-lethal gas
chamber - and all this in a war already won or which spokesmen for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of the atomic bomb.’
building and location of the former GHQ

Toward the end of WWII: ‘Super Fortress’ B29 bombers systematically ‘carpet-bombed’ major cities in Japan with young US pilots chewing their chewing-gums in full sight of terrified civilians fleeing automated, multiple aircraft machine-gun fire under a blackened sky of falling bombs.
Iwao Kumana, pastor, founder and Institute leader

David Lawrence
To all our readers:
in December 2022
come and be part of this movement of reckoning with the past: walk with us - help restore all rights to the nation of Japan — encourage others, for this people has the right to become independent from foreign chains and fetters.

(since Feb. 5th 2022)
the ‘REIMEI’ independence movement; Shinjuku, Tokyo
ETSURAI INSTITUTE https://baton076.wixsite.com/shinjuku
2023年 賀正
The cold and clever grin of superiority backfired unexpectedly. Wasn’t this man, too, into cultic, secretive and homosexual Mormonism, just as Joe Biden himself?
Yes, he was.
Striking hysical similarities bring to mind another American, who, after the end of WWII, was so eager in chaining up this nation of Japan by multiple illegal arrangements: Edwin Reischauer. ‘Drink the real taste’, as you’ve been chucking it for years on that rude placard. Now, I suggest, you’d better hang a large picture of Ross Bishop onto your glassy company headquarters — in memory and as a warning, what kind of results a loose tongue will have —, for the times, they are changing.
For way too many years, the US has fooled the whole world into believing, that, after the war, they were the friendly guys who helped the Japanese back to normal. The time has come to open the rotting tombs of make-believe! Japan is, contrary to all bookishness, a gravely abused nation, so any kind of Western arrogance, even silly cowboy hats or pronounciation quirks when speaking Japanese can kindle a destructive fire in the soul. It’s high time to grow up and face reality!


William Ross Bishop and
The REIMEI Movement of Independence for Japan started out with a Swiss family of three, who obtained Japanese nationality in 2002 and who were later adopted into one of the families of the ancient Heike clan for their pathbreaking initiative for the future of the Japanese nation under the name ‘Etsurai Institute’.
INVITATION to the ‘SQUARE UP’ WALKS around the former GHQ

‘don’t dare to stand in the way of the Japanese nation…’
(Sep. video clip -
with Iwao Kumana)
Beginning in January 2023, protest walks around the former US military headquarters of the seven crucial postwar years are organized to raise the awareness of the international community to the fact and underlying reasons, why the nation of Japan, even nowadays, still lacks the necessary framework of self-determination of a modern state.
These walks with proclamations in English, which will be made available on the Internet, represent the first, decisive steps out of an age old struggle since the year 592 — into a future of rediscovering the royal identity.
SUNDAYS (from Jan. 15th)
WEDNESDAYS (from Jan. 18th)


関係者 各位

senior initiator IWAO KUMANA, proclaiming the start of REIMEI near the US embassy in Tokyo - May 23,24 2022
On Feb. 5th 2021, on presidential orders of Joe Biden, Iwao Kumana, the senior initiator of the REIMEI movement, was targeted by an US Electronic Aircraft ‘Growler’ at his domicile on the southern island of Kyushu. The victim was seriously injured and his escape from certain death cannot be explained scientifically. It must be attributed solely to the grace of the one and sovereign God.
This’Growler assassination attempt’ will go down in history as the savage raging of those, who sense the end of ‘their’ epoch.
FEB. 5TH 2022

A special call to Islamic nations concerned about an international, non-Western, monotheistic brotherhood.

‘SQUARE UP’ WALKS around the former GHQ
Beginning in January 2023, protest walks around the former US military headquarters of the seven crucial postwar years are organized to raise the awareness of the international community to the fact and underlying reasons, why the nation of Japan even nowadays still lacks the necessary framework of self-determination of a modern state.
These walks with proclamations in English, which will be made available on the Internet, represent the first, decisive steps out of an age old struggle since the year 592 — into a future of a rediscovered royal state identity.
SUNDAYS (from Jan. 15th)
WEDNESDAYS (from Jan. 18th)

Feb. 7th 2023

As soon as the nuclear bombs and air raids on major cities in Japan were over, the US switched to applying a broad scope of mental and moral uprooting schemes; one of them was called the ‘3S’ strategy related to sexual disorientation, screen centered brainwashing (TV, movies), as well as sports activities, featuring non-intellectual, motive skills to keep IQ levels in the population low: promiscuity and prostitution quickly led to irresponsible abortions and veneral diseases. Against this background, it is quite surprising, that gay life styles are still widely unaccepted and shunned: no circles and no intellectual concepts promote them. Wherever they are found, it is easy to recognize their origins as Western.
With good reason, it can be pointed out therefore, that Mr Arai was selected to function as scapegoat: pressure is rising from the US to make Japan toe the line in the fields of racism and LGBT. Mr Arai has expressed his own, personal feelings — without making any ‘derogatory’ remarks about homosexuality, rather echoing the general mood of citizens. Moreover, what he said was expressly ‘off record’, but the media, wich are completely dominated by Koreans, were advised ‘from some ‘other side’ to artificially create a commotion within the cabinet of Kishida, because that man had the intention of giving his son a cosy secretary position beside himself, eventhough the youngster lacks the required skills and experience. Kishida’s harsh reaction, not even letting Mr Arai speak first, is also very uncommon and unjapanese.

It must be assumed, that the criticism of homosexuality in square up walk Nr 6 (clip 47) attributed to the tense atmosphere, in which many politicians now raise their voices to confirm this seemingly new consensus — just as the US would wish it. Yet, monotheistic creeds, even of Shinto, do find each other in this field of a sound notion of sexuality, which is clearly bisexual: Must we not understand this historic moment as a first, essential opportunity to let our disapproval of ‘gay’ behaviour be heard? Indeed, the fall of Babylon will take on very concrete forms, if we raise our voices and distance us from the abuse of our GOD given sexuality for dead-ended, egoistic pleasure purposes. Almost 12 years have passed and only very few monotheistic groups have become aware of the aggressivity of secular institutions, which intend to push religious creeds into oblivion and establish their own values and norms. The most abusive and evil one is found in that ‘General Comment 34, paragraph 48 of the Human Rights’ Commission of the UN of the year 2011, which claims, that humans have the right to blaspheme, ridicule and defame GOD and everything Holy.
Most regrettably and out of a lack of proximity to each other, so far all monotheistic creeds have kept a helpless silence and therefore this law is still concealed to this very day, although developments behind the scenes are being pushed ahead further: concepts and norms, which clearly contradict our teachings and standards, are now pressed upon nations and populations. This is especially true for the vileness of gay lifestyles and behaviour. If we keep quiet, they will go on and destroy our most valued contents. By using their ‘gay vocabulary’, they will castrate our young generations in no time. We now have to stand together and meet the challenges of our times — rooted in awe and obedience to the Most High.
Abusing the story of Noah, the preacher of righteousness, the deeply rebellious nature of all gay individuals is heard from behind the peaceful flow of the colours of the rainbow hissing in the words of Aleister Crowley: ‘We shall do whatever we want and care no bit about the wrath of the Most High!’
But they will go down into the Abyss with the same expression of despair on their faces as the old Crowley.